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Article: Bridging the Gap for Better Patient Engagement

Bridging the Gap for Better Patient Engagement

May 31, 2017

Applied Clinical Trials

Denise Calaprice, PhD, Senior Consultant, The Avoca Group
Jennifer Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, PMG Research
Jeremy Gilbert, Vice President, Product and Strategy, PatientsLikeMe


Recent innovations in technology and information flow have created a population of patients that is active in, and has high expectations of, their healthcare and treatment choices. This shift in the marketplace requires that key stakeholders in the clinical trial process understand the perceptions and motivations of their newly empowered customers. It is to aid this understanding that the Avoca Quality Consortium (AQC) commissioned a patient survey as part of its ongoing commitment to transform clinical trials. The overarching objective of the survey was to identify actions that pharmaceutical companies, CROs, and study teams might take to positively influence clinical trial participation and impressions of the clinical trial experience, and to increase the relevance of clinical trial results to patients….

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